Get Support
Applications may be made to AS-ET for an award to attend scientific, training and other related CPD meetings in the UK and overseas. Awards may be applied for at any time of the year via the online form below.
To be eligible for an award you must be employed in the care and welfare of animals used in science and the course you wish to follow must be connected with your work.
Amount of each award
Each bursary application is considered on a case by case basis by the AS-ET trustees. Applicants must demonstrate that they have sought a contribution to the cost of their course/study from other sources, usually the employer.
To apply for a Bursary Award please complete the form below:
Become a Supporter
The Trustees ask those who have received Bursaries from AS-ET to give thought to becoming Individual Supporters of the Trust if they have not done so already. This would enable us to help others advance their education or training in laboratory animal technology, as would encouraging your colleagues to support us in this way.
For the modest sum of £30 per year you can contribute through furthering education to enhancing the standing of your profession.